Pershing Ventures was established to provide financing solutions to early-stage ventures and SMEs that were eitherunable to obtain financing from traditional financial sources or were receiving offers that didn't align with the operational realities of their business

Our Story

We combine traditional financing knowledge and capabilities with modern inputs like alternative data sets and instant financial reporting, enabling us to structure financing solutions that make sense in the context of your operations and specific goals.

Pershing Ventures is incorporated in the United States and operates with permanent capital, enabling a decision making process based on long-term customer value as opposed to short term KPIs.

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About the Founders

David Weiss

President & Co-Founder

As the President and Co-Founder of Pershing Ventures, David is committed to providing unique financing solutions that solve practical challenges faced by underserved early-stage ventures and SMEs in a timely manner.

With experience in corporate advisory, cross-border and international transactions, and private debt structuring from his time at Citigroup and HSBC, David is well positioned to partner with your business to troubleshoot its funding challenges.

Tor Trivers

Chief Investment Officer & Co-Founder

As the CIO and Co-Founder of Pershing Ventures, Tor focuses on providing flexible financing to underserved, private companies, making his expertise in private debt a key part of the customer's success story.

He believes from his experience at Carlyle, that obtaining the right financing enables aspiring entrepreneurs to build and scale successful enterprises.

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Sriram Iyer

Founder & CEO

Singapore, India, UAE

“Their willingness to collaborate and tailor a solution to our specific needs has been nothing short of exceptional. We consider Pershing Ventures as a true partner in our journey. Their support has empowered us to make significant strides towards our business objectives.”

Nigel McBride

Founder & CEO


“As a startup business owner, I’m very grateful to have benefited from Pershing Ventures integrated, revenue-based, financial solutions. In our first year, we experienced rising demand for our Rent to Own and Sale and Rent Back facilities, however, we’ve been hamstrung by a lack of funding to support demand for our services. Fortunately for us, David Weiss & Tor Trivers immediately grasped the concept of our business and saw an opportunity to help fund our growth. Pershing Ventures are an ideal financial partner, willing to work with our business as we navigate our future..”

Gary Sprague

Co-Founder & CEO

United States & United Kingdom

“Partnering with Pershing Ventures has been instrumental to our growth over the past two years. Their financing model has allowed us to reach our goals without giving up equity or taking on excessive risk. Just as importantly, they’ve demonstrated a genuine interest in our business, listening to our needs and providing valuable support that goes beyond dollars.”

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