Customized, flexible financing from US$25k to US$1mm for private, revenue positive, early stage ventures and SMEs.

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Flexible financing to grow your business

We design our financing solutions considering your business model, corporate structure and growth aspirations

Fast and customized financing

Fast and customized

Funding as quickly as 2 to 4 weeks from initial conversation. Transactions are from US$25k up to US$1mm with average sizes of US$250k to US$500k.

Retain control of your company

Retain control of
your company

Non-dilutive to equity capital. No personal guarantees or collateral required. No requirement to provide a board seat.

Structure based on your business model

Structure based on your business model

Ability to integrate into an existing or developing capital structure. Structured around your business needs and situation.

Scalable based on company's performance

Scalable based on company's performance

Solutions that are scalable with your revenue growth and performance. The majority of our customers have done two or more upsizes with us.

Can be used to support cross border growth

Can be used to support cross border growth

Designed to support your business needs globally with flexibility around use of proceeds. We have financed customers whose home country of establishment is different than its revenue sources.

Fixed and transparent commercial terms

Fixed and transparent commercial terms

A fixed and transparent rate of fees. Repayments are set at an upfront, mutually agreed percentage of monthly revenue. Designed to move in relation to actual business performance.

Access to capital is the largest problem facing early stage ventures and SMEs that do not fit into the traditional venture capital or bank lending profile.

Use our financing structures to achieve or accelerate your Company's aspirations.  Top uses for financing include:


Revenue Growth Capital

Utilize our capital for short to medium term projects by allocating funds to sales & marketing, hiring revenue producing staff, bring forward sales opportunities or resource larger leads, and geographic expansion.


Unlock order backlog

Utilize our capital to clear purchase order backlog or approach larger orders you felt would be challenging to fulfill.


Extend Runway

Utilize our capital to delay an equity raise for better market conditions or to improve your negotiating position.


Optimize Raise

Utilize our capital prior to an equity round to grow revenue and boost your valuation, in conjunction with a equity round to reduce overall dilution, or to obtain additional funds not budgeted for in the equity round


Bridge to Profitability

Utilize our capital to scale revenue for a high gross profit margin business line, to drive improved net profit margins and achieve profitability faster


Industry Roll-Up

Utilize our capital to make revenue accretive acquisitions in your industry, transforming our product into a permanent funding vehicle for your consolidation aspirations.

Transaction Management Process

Funding available as quickly as 2 to 4 weeks from initial conversation

Due Diligence

Duration: 1-2 weeks
Outcome: Financing proposal generated


Duration: 1-2 weeks
Outcome: Financing structure agreed

  • 1

    Design initial structure and model the anticipated transaction

  • 2

    Discuss proposed structure together

  • 3

    Provide draft financing agreement


Duration: 1 week
Outcome: Transaction completed

  • 1

    Resolve outstanding due diligence items

  • 2

    Sign final agreements

  • 3

    Verify and complete any payment authorizations

  • 4

    Deliver financing proceeds

Sriram Iyer

Founder & CEO

Singapore, India, UAE

“Their willingness to collaborate and tailor a solution to our specific needs has been nothing short of exceptional. We consider Pershing Ventures as a true partner in our journey. Their support has empowered us to make significant strides towards our business objectives.”

Nigel McBride

Founder & CEO


“As a startup business owner, I’m very grateful to have benefited from Pershing Ventures integrated, revenue-based, financial solutions. In our first year, we experienced rising demand for our Rent to Own and Sale and Rent Back facilities, however, we’ve been hamstrung by a lack of funding to support demand for our services. Fortunately for us, David Weiss & Tor Trivers immediately grasped the concept of our business and saw an opportunity to help fund our growth. Pershing Ventures are an ideal financial partner, willing to work with our business as we navigate our future..”

Gary Sprague

Co-Founder & CEO

United States & United Kingdom

“Partnering with Pershing Ventures has been instrumental to our growth over the past two years. Their financing model has allowed us to reach our goals without giving up equity or taking on excessive risk. Just as importantly, they’ve demonstrated a genuine interest in our business, listening to our needs and providing valuable support that goes beyond dollars.”

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